You are in my room and you are on my bed and it all happens so suddenly that the action is a blur that almost makes me dizzy. Your hands are on my hips and my lips are locked onto yours. This unmistakable wanting and unbridled lust is intoxicating. The heat resonating from our bodies tells me this is real. If I were dreaming the heat would be exempt, as well as the obvious and unmistakable sensations vibrating throughout my being. I grip your back with every motion, digging my nails into your skin. You are wide mouthed and eyed with every movement. I let you know I want to make you scream and you are intrigued to the point of fascination. I lay there waiting, legs spread, all for you. You are timid but my cheeky smile and the way I touch your skin reassures you. You thrust. No gentle tenderness here, not that it is needed this time. It is all we need to go wild. Animalistic, lustful passion burning in us both. I grab your shoulder and you go in deeper. My satisfaction, revealed through an intangible, unstoppable scream, is what you have been working for. You are proud of yourself and you are getting cocky, no pun intended. I tell you I want you, all of you. My lips graze your skin, tip to tail, as quickly as to not be too revealing of my intentions. As I reach my destination you seemed so pleased. As I take my time you grip my hair in clumps and let small, passionate moans escape your lips. When all is said and done, I rise back to your level licking my lips in satisfaction. The look in your eyes tells me you still want more. Legs spread and eyes wide, it never seems to end. An unending, immovable string of lust, and thrusts, and grinding passionate motions. We could go on forever, you and I. I keep wishing that we could.
Friday, June 29
Pin Me Up
You are in my room and you are on my bed and it all happens so suddenly that the action is a blur that almost makes me dizzy. Your hands are on my hips and my lips are locked onto yours. This unmistakable wanting and unbridled lust is intoxicating. The heat resonating from our bodies tells me this is real. If I were dreaming the heat would be exempt, as well as the obvious and unmistakable sensations vibrating throughout my being. I grip your back with every motion, digging my nails into your skin. You are wide mouthed and eyed with every movement. I let you know I want to make you scream and you are intrigued to the point of fascination. I lay there waiting, legs spread, all for you. You are timid but my cheeky smile and the way I touch your skin reassures you. You thrust. No gentle tenderness here, not that it is needed this time. It is all we need to go wild. Animalistic, lustful passion burning in us both. I grab your shoulder and you go in deeper. My satisfaction, revealed through an intangible, unstoppable scream, is what you have been working for. You are proud of yourself and you are getting cocky, no pun intended. I tell you I want you, all of you. My lips graze your skin, tip to tail, as quickly as to not be too revealing of my intentions. As I reach my destination you seemed so pleased. As I take my time you grip my hair in clumps and let small, passionate moans escape your lips. When all is said and done, I rise back to your level licking my lips in satisfaction. The look in your eyes tells me you still want more. Legs spread and eyes wide, it never seems to end. An unending, immovable string of lust, and thrusts, and grinding passionate motions. We could go on forever, you and I. I keep wishing that we could.
The other day I walked into your house, the door lay propped open and unlocked as usual. I let myself in the way I always do. I knew you were not home, but that did not matter much. What mattered at this point was the smell. I can not have you but that scent still captivates me every time. You do not know that I am here. If you did I fear that you would call the police, have me vacate the premises, and probably cause me great shame. I lay on your bed and close my eyes. It still feels the same. The mold of the mattress, the feel of the sheets, and the warmth left over from last nights slumber. The only thing that could top this feeling is the feel of having your arms around me, the sensation of your breath lingering on the nape of my neck, your lips on mine, and your hands on my hips. You do not love me, nor do I believe that you ever have. They way you used to look at me, with such feeling and sincerity, was all a fraud. The love in your eyes was simply a blood thirsty lust. A lust that we, unfortunately, shared. I wanted to touch you every second I was with you. Every nanosecond I wanted to feel you near me. You arms around me, and our lips pressed together. The rush, the sent and the taste. It was all too much for me. And I was definitely too much for you. You could not handle my fire. My passion. You did not know what to do with me. Your loss. His gain.
Thursday, June 28
Help Yourself
I love how you get sucked in so easily. As we lay here staring at each other the fiction and the friction makes you delirious. You want to be like them. You want to be them. If only for a moment. Just a taste, a sensation, a moment of bliss in someone else's shoes. You would give anything. It's strange to people, the way you look at them, analyzing every moment and every move. They don't understand what goes on inside that crazy brain of yours. I get it. I understand completely. I do. I stare into your eyes as you move in closer and try to see what is happening. When you least expect it you will know how important it can be to have someone on your side. The way you look at me is my favorite. It is the hardest to read. It is the most fun. I am always wondering what you are thinking of me, and what it means for us. I want to tell you I love you, but then I know I would never be able to read the look again. It would change forever, surely. Your eyes would go dark, and your gaze would drop. The connection would be lost. You are afraid to move. You do not want to hurt me. I tell you that it is alright. You can hurt me. Anything you do is alright with me. I love you. I could never attempt to tell you that, but it is true. Why else would I be laying here, legs spread and eyes wide. I try to hold your gaze for as long as possible. To read as much as I can get out of it. To see into your soul. The deeper we get the farther inside yourself you go. I can not read you anymore. You are lost to me, and you are lost inside me. You thrust away like I am some carnival ride. I lay there and let you. There is nothing I can do for you now. You are alone. You are alone inside me and I can not help you find your way out now. It is all on you. Help yourself.
Friday, June 22
I remember last night. Me wanting you, and you wanting me. But there's too much of a distance and not enough transportation readily available. Not to mention the way my mother would have reamed me for leaving the house so late. I remember the wanting. So vividly. Wanting to hold you, or even just to see you. Wanting to be held. Wanting to taste your sweet sweat that I knew was for me. I wanted to hear you. The happiness and satisfaction in your voice with each mounting moment of unbridled passion. I wanted to feel what I knew was for me and only for me. But there's too much of a distance. I told you I wanted you. You wanted me, too. I'd never been happier. I told you what I would do, were the distance a bit shorter and the hour a bit more forgiving. You seemed far more than intrigued. But it wasn't the sex, or the moaning, or the lust that interested me. It was the look on your face that I couldn't, but wanted to, see. I wanted to see your reactions to things I might do or say. I wanted to feel your heart beat. Was it racing or pounding? How hard and how fast? I wanted to stare into your eyes and see through them to what goes on inside your head. I wanted to feel you there with me. Even if just for a moment. Even if we were just sitting there staring. At each other. Or maybe at the floor. Just to be there. That's what infatuation is, isn't it? I can't help but want to be near you. Even though I'm fairly certain you couldn't care less. You were after the passion. I was after the meaning. But there's too much of a distance and not enough time.
Wednesday, June 6
I thought I'd let you all know a few things:
1: People are frigging ridiculous and it bothers me
2: I rarely understand human beings [females or males]
3: I like getting more attention than I probably rightfully deserve
4: I somewhere in the back of my mind believe that I deserve it.
5: I care about your opinions, I just won't let them change mine.
6: I could care less about stupid celebrities, who they're dating, or what they're smoking.
7: I like to laugh. ALOT.
8: I'm not as uptight or serious as alot of people think I am.
9: I love the idea of Youtube. I don't care what you think of that either..
10: My videos suck. Ohwell.
1: People are frigging ridiculous and it bothers me
2: I rarely understand human beings [females or males]
3: I like getting more attention than I probably rightfully deserve
4: I somewhere in the back of my mind believe that I deserve it.
5: I care about your opinions, I just won't let them change mine.
6: I could care less about stupid celebrities, who they're dating, or what they're smoking.
7: I like to laugh. ALOT.
8: I'm not as uptight or serious as alot of people think I am.
9: I love the idea of Youtube. I don't care what you think of that either..
10: My videos suck. Ohwell.
Friday, June 1
Somethings in life seem so insignificant. A person passes you on the street. You smile. You move on. What's so important about that? There are so many things in life, little things, great things, that people take for granted. You walk down the street. You see a tiny puppy jumping up and down. It's the happiest puppy you've ever seen. It makes you happy. You move on. Remember this moment! Something so small and so seemingly insignificant just changed your entire day. Remember that everything is connected and everything carries a weight. Something so small, so "meaningless" can lift you or can crush you. It's all a matter of choice, perspective, how you see and accept your experiences. Never assume that something you do will not matter. Everyone matters to someone. Everyone is held in a special place in someones heart. You have some how intervened into their lives, whether it be good or bad, and you now influence their decisions. And those decisions in turn influence you.
Open a door in your mind. Look at where it takes you. Who is in this room? Where is this room? What sort of atmosphere is surrounds you? Discover what effects you, and what you hold dear. Everything in that room is important. Everything in that room is you. A part of you. A peice of you. You. Don't take it for granted. Embrace it.
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